
Important notification while embedding games 121221

Ads should be requested from the game's page url to avoid loss of ads performance. To make this happen please adjust your game frame request url as follows: gmd_referrer_url should be added to the request url . To do that please modify your request url as


Correct usage

If your page url is https://www.example.com/games then your request url should be as follows: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://html5.gamemondi.com/d0a67df25f7e451aad27f02464594583/?gmd_referrer_url=https://www.example.com/games/{game-path}.
You can check example url below to see how we are using in this page.

Wrong usage


Mini Duels Battle

About "Mini Duels Battle"

Super cool mini games are coming within a single game, in the Mini Duels Battle. These games consist of the Drunken Duel series, Drunken Boxing, Wrestling Games, Table games, and more. Just pick one of the games and try the challenge against your friend. You can play all of these popular games with your friend in 2 player game mode besides of single player game mode. The one who scores five before his/her opponent wins the battle. 16 games are ready to play. Lets begin!

Example URL
